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Paint It Loud & Clear

Come along to our sign making workshop in Douglas Community Centre on Thursday 5th April from 1 – 4pm! In this workshop you will be creating big colourful signs for a large performance event, Generation ZX(X), happening on Friday 4th May 2018.

Join us to create signs that reflect on Dundee as you see it and how it has come to be the exciting and ever-changing place that it is today. Whether you are celebrating the strong women in your life and throughout history, imagining your vision for the city’s future or realising what Dundee means to you, we want you to paint it LOUD and CLEAR! These bold visual signs will simultaneously reflect on Dundee’s past and look forward to a hopeful future.

2018 marks the 25th anniversary of the TIMEX Factory closing in Dundee. Amongst many other things, the factory produced one of the first ever home computers – the ZX Spectrum. The assembly lines were predominantly made up of Dundee women.

This anniversary provides a timely moment to look back and reconsider the factory’s impact on the city, and to thank the ladies of TIMEX, who through their labour, and often unaware of their contribution, gave Dundee a new future: the video game industry.

For more information